What If Theatre

Please provide a description of the incident and any supporting evidence. We will review your report as soon as possible. If you have provided your anonymized email address as part of this report, we will use Suggestion Ox to reply directly to you while maintaining your anonymity.
Incident Type (Required)
Description of Incident (Required)
Location Of Incident (Required)
Is there any additional Information we should know?
Upload supporting evidence
Valid types: PNG, GIF, JPEG, HEIC, PDF. 15 MB file size.
Email (Optional)
If provided, your email address will be made anonymous and encrypted in our system. The recipient of your message will be able to reply directly to you, but they won't be able to see your email address. Learn more about how we protect your privacy and anonymity.

Is This Really Anonymous?


Suggestion Ox is a web service for people or companies to solicit private, anonymous feedback. Your submission here is 100% private and confidential.

If you would like to learn more about how we keep your responses anonymous, please read all about Suggestion Ox and privacy.
