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BHB 2022: Electric Boogaloo

Uncensored, unhinged, and uncalled for.

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Shirley ...

My Suggestion

Is a know it all bitch. Oh look at me, I read books and listen to music and then make "obscure" references I think no one gets because no one could possibly ever have read the cool "underground" books I've read!

Look how weird and quirky I am! My family is totally like the Adams family, so weird and quirky!

Pity me! Please! My mom was an abusive piece of shit, I am a VICTIM!! My mom was abusive, love meee!! I know everything because I have a husband and a girlfriend and I have trauma from my mother's abuse, worship meee!! Validate meeee! Btw, did you know my mom was abusive and I have trauma? Don't worry I will remind you every time I post because that is all there is to me, mommy trauma and being a poly sub! If I don't tell everyone ALL.THE.TIME I don't really exist!

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