BHB 2022: Electric Boogaloo
Their Submission
YoUareAN idioT
My Suggestion
Every fucking child is not autistic. Maybe if you spent some time parenting your (general you) child wouldn’t act like a wild fucking banshee. It took 10 years to finally get an evaluation because there is nothing wrong with your damn kid. The dr didn’t finally start listening to you. They got tired of listening to you so they ordered an evaluation to shut you up. But will you be happy when it comes back saying you’re a shitty parent? Nope. You’ll keep blaming your lazy choices on your kid.
Your weight problems are because you (general bhb you) eat like shit and you don’t exercise. Your prescription miracle diet pill from the dr is not going to work if you don’t get off your ass and be proactive. And NO, just fucking NO you are not going to lose weight eating 3000 calories a day without burning any. It’s not your genetics that’s giving you diabetes.. It’s the generational eating habits that you’re too stupid to change.
Public Response
How dare you imply that never making an effort to leave home for non-essentials and leaving my children to play on screens and watch 20 year old millionaires scream at video games all day could possibly result in poor behavior, emotional dysregulation, lack of social skills, repetitive self-soothing behaviors, and narrow interests? I resent that! Just because I never take them out to places where I expect them to behave, let them eat garbage, don't make any effort to go places or experience things outside their immeidate home-school bubble, or engage with them at home (playing is for LAME TRY HARD MOMS, I'm too busy being a BBC badass and having "ME TIME"), doesn't mean my parenting led to my child having severe deficits that mimic mild autism! I'm outraged.
Nobody knows what could be causing this. It's a gift! Im ALSO autistic and just got diagnosed after reading and displaying all the symptoms at my evaluation that I bullied my doctor into giving me because they're afraid of being sued for malpractice if they don't hand out referrals every time they're asked to, whether htey think it's warranted or not!
It all makes sense now! For the longest time I thought I had no social skills and made poor decisions, but it was actually just autism, because that's what autism is now! It's not that my parents did a crappy job, it's my autism! Now I never have to work on anything with me or my child and I can just expect everyone else to accommodate my new disability.