Personalize Emails for Employees

Your anonymous message

Debra Coffie has a terrific email that shows a happy picture of her. That personalizes the email and lets people know that she is not an anonymous person, - people can relate better to someone that they can see, hear, feel, etc. (which is very difficult to do in a pandemic).

While some employees may prefer not to share a photo of themselves, they may want to include other personal emblems - i.e. photo of pets, icons, etc. As long as the personal indicia is non-political and non-offensive, I think it would be a welcome idea. What do you think of that?

Public Response

It can be set in the Outlook Account and Social Network settings…
Account and Social Settings- a photo may be uploaded here.
We permit our employees to upload photos of themselves or other images as long as they are in good taste and professional.

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