Murchison House

Your anonymous message

The area we are expected to work in is directly below the outlet pipes for the toilets on the floor above. We constantly hear the sound of flushing liquids and solids landing, which is revolting. Around lunchtime and when lectures finish, I have to leave the area as I feel physically sick. The ceiling is in the style of 'industrial chic' i.e. unfinished. This has been reported several times but there has been no date given on when work may begin on deadening the sound. Students, staff and visitors alike are horrified when this happens. They are disgusted, pity the staff member working there, can't believe it happens in a newly refurbished building. This provides a VERY POOR
experience for staff, students and visitors alike. If this was dealt with, the area would be a pleasant working area. Although I have selected Facilities and estates, I would also want to highlight this as a Health issue.

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Facilities and estates

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