Belmont Dental Surgery

Your feedback is important to us. If you feel we can improve our service to you please let us know what improvements we can make. Equally it is great to know if we are doing a good job.

You have the option to either write your own response or you may wish to copy and paste the list provided below and comment on the relevant items.

Please remember this feedback option is designed to be anonymous.If you would like a direct response you can choose to include contact details, alternatively please contact us via telephone or email (details below).

Thank you for taking the time to review Belmont Dental Surgery.

Tel 08 92773837

Feedback Suggestions
Length of time waiting for your first appointment Eg. Poor Fair Good Excellent or Not Applicable (NA)

Ease of arranging a suitable time for an appointment

Getting through to Belmont Dental Surgery by telephone

Helpfulness of practice staff on the telephone

General knowledge and competence of the Reception staff

Time spent in Reception area

How was the appearance of the Waiting / Reception area?

Friendliness and competence of the Dental Assistant

Concern the Dental Assistant showed for your problem

Friendliness/courtesy of the dentist

Explanations the dentist gave you about your problem or condition

Dentist’s efforts to include you in discussion & decisions about your treatment

Were the fee/ payment options clearly explained before any treatment?

Instructions the dentist gave you about follow-up care (if any)

How was the cleanliness / appearance of the treatment room?

Overall efficiency of staff from your arrival to the completion of your treatment

Overall quality of care received during your visit

Your anonymous message (required)
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Suggestion Ox is a web service for people or companies to solicit private, anonymous feedback. Your submission here is 100% private and confidential.

If you would like to learn more about how we keep your responses anonymous, please read all about Suggestion Ox and privacy.
